最佳答案:But you are going to be my goal for striving
最佳答案:How many people could work hard for their goaland how much they could work for t
最佳答案:Continually strive to your target .I'm on your side.Fighting!
最佳答案:Adversity makes talent and only it can get people know their shortcomings and st
最佳答案:1.if you have a goal,is like having the success the key to the front door,but th
最佳答案:I think once of the things the sorry is trying to tell me is that everyone shall
最佳答案:Work a strong sense of responsibility,down-to-earth work to the new results as i
最佳答案:Everyone has their own dreams, everyone's dream is a great and happy. Dreams of
最佳答案:the first time i saw you,i told myself in my heart:you are my goal for strugglin