最佳答案:How are you?怎么是你?How old are you?怎么老是你?
最佳答案:say it again.repeat.如果是因为没听清楚要对方再重复的时候可以说:pardon?或者外国人更喜欢直接说:sorry?
最佳答案:Can you repeat the words you just said once ?/Pardon?
最佳答案:XXX is going to contribute to our happiness with XXX.
最佳答案:now,i work as typer again which is full of repeating work and produces nothing n
最佳答案:你的翻译是对的.That's why I call you.这就是我打电话给你的原因.
最佳答案:仿拟、imitat双关、pun排比、parallelism尾韵、coda反衬、set off by contrast重复、repeat
最佳答案:Would you repeat what you did today if you knew you only had one day to live tom
最佳答案:“复杂的事情要简单做,简单的事情要认真做,认真的事情要重复做,重复的事情要创造性地做”英文翻译:Do the complicated things in a s