最佳答案:Em cima de árvore,está um casal de pássaros,cuidando dos seus ovos.Vê,ovos já es
最佳答案:when i got home i was all wet.this woman is too ill to take care of herself.Her
最佳答案:Chilly winter is coming. The north wind grandpa began to blow it at the north wi
最佳答案:春天:Spring春天是新的一年的开始.也是播种的季节.Spring is the begining of a new year.As well as the
最佳答案:Bund Liu Shaoba the letter newspaper,spring returned,the fish fishtails cuts dow
最佳答案:Nuoxiang Technological Company 公司名称的直面意思可以这样翻译,但个性化的也可以说:NX Technological Co.
最佳答案:Just as an old saying goes:The early bird catches the worm,so I got up early at
最佳答案:1.Once a peasant couple saved a bird .The bird said 'thank you' to them before i