最佳答案:I prefer to go to shanghai rather than to hainan
最佳答案:I will leave Shanghai for Beijing tomorrow.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)有不会的可以再问我:)
最佳答案:1 your whole family to travel to Shanghai a few days ?Our whole family went to S
最佳答案:The most unforgettable experience is the first time when I take the train to Sha
最佳答案:I spent an unforgettable vacation. During the first several weeks,I travelled to
最佳答案:I go to Shanghai in 2006 to look for the work in the summer,has stayed more than
最佳答案:1.I go to school on foot./I walk to shcool.2.He goes to Beijing by bus./He goes
最佳答案:It's very appreciatable of him giving me such greart help.honestly, i didn't kno
最佳答案:1 Where has he moved?2 he moved to Shanghai three years ago.3 I am going to move
最佳答案:1 我每次旅游大概需要3天时间.I spent about three days each time I travelled.2 你上次旅游 是在什么时候?Wh