最佳答案:1、谁能告诉我这是为什么?Who can tell me why?(如果想和下一句呼应的话也可以说:Who can tell me what the reaso
最佳答案:This news report is completely based on the actual situationThey are destined ne
最佳答案:命中注定的你.闭上眼睛就可以感觉到我的存在.我们一定能相遇!Predestined you.Close your eyes I can feel its exi
最佳答案:Is destined you not to belong to me, did not think the extravagant demands other
最佳答案:1.love is miracle.but my love to you is destination.2.I love you ,but it's none
最佳答案:1.I have to confess that I am still loving you2.I love you in destiny3.This love