最佳答案:my name is miu han chan
最佳答案:您好~楼主【原文】能思之自得者,真;习之纯熟者,妙.——王廷相《慎言 潜心》【注】纯熟:十分熟练.习:实习、实践.妙:高妙.【释义】只有能够独立思考而有所得的人
最佳答案:市场策划部经理Manager of Marketing Department市场策划部主管Director of Marketing Department
最佳答案:Qi Baishi painted the aquarium,there is a wonderful natural charm,the frog or li
最佳答案:I havn't written my blog for a long while,now I am customed to hidding bad moods
最佳答案:根据自己的理解写给你参考:Firstly,i am in well receipt of the another email you sent,thanks a