最佳答案:If I die,will you feel sad?If I die,who will feel bad?
最佳答案:I'm dead.
最佳答案:I won't see you again tomorrow if you die now.If you die now,I won't see you aga
最佳答案:It turned out that I had been hanged to death.
最佳答案:The reason why you think I am still alive is that you are not told (that) I am d
最佳答案:If I were dead,would you love me?
最佳答案:Haber-Bosch 过程的发展在粮食供应方面的影响是 化工行业能对紧迫问题提出新的和具有深远意义的的解决办法的非凡能力的 一个显着的例子.
最佳答案:I feel bad, and I am so uncomfortable or I am dying都可以指 感觉不好 很难受