为 而奋斗英语翻译
最佳答案:Remember gambling on arrange,struggling for goals!Come on!
最佳答案:Continually strive to your target .I'm on your side.Fighting!
最佳答案:Life is the most happy thing is for the ideal
最佳答案:Let's take efforts for our better future.
最佳答案:life can not go without dreams!let joins hands and let fly our dreams,and strive
最佳答案:这句话是苏格拉底写的.苏格拉底简介 古希腊著名哲学家.出身于雅典城不远的一个石匠兼雕刻匠家庭,曾经自幼随父学艺,后来,当过兵,曾经三次参战.大约在40岁左右苏格
最佳答案:I enjoy helping others.I strive for my dream.
最佳答案:about my dream, i wanted to become a fashion designer when i was only a child an