最佳答案:In this study,tilapia myofibrillar protein content,myofibrillar protein Ca2 +-AT
最佳答案:正好看到,匆匆翻译了一下.要是有疏漏,提醒一下,呵呵.Gel electrophoresis is a popular method to analyze pr
最佳答案:Fish is believed to be the main source of animal protein by many people.The rese
最佳答案:混译其实没什么意义 这样叫了就这样了
最佳答案:The overview on the properties of the proteinAbstract: The protein has particula
最佳答案:1.Americans eat (twice as much protein or more as )they actually need every day.
最佳答案:你看这样可以吗?With the extension of storage time for fresh meat gradually increased pr