最佳答案:The French cannot understand the way the Asians express their feelings.
最佳答案:And french date should be appointed time,be punctual for appointments be polite;
最佳答案:REPERE (标记)DE (的)NIVEAU (位置)+16.05au dessus (以上)des (的)plus B.M (plus basse mer,
最佳答案:埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为 铁娘子:The Eiffel Tower is one of Paris's symbols,known to th
最佳答案:An American,a French and a Chinese had been trapped in the desert when God came,
最佳答案:We can learn from the example that Frenchmen are so proud of their own language.