最佳答案:My parents and I go on holiday tomorrow
最佳答案:1,the man in the next door2, spend holiday in UK
最佳答案:I vacation in the country, I hope that 15 years later I can go to Europe on vaca
最佳答案:◎请告诉我眼下最流行的度假方式是什么?Please tell me what are the most popular way of spending vaca
最佳答案:I can spend holidays in hawaii during the summer,enjoying warm sunshine on the b
最佳答案:This time last year's summer,I was at American holiday.Peter was playing the pia
最佳答案:1 I'm thinking about going to Beijing for a holiday.2 He planned to have a relax
最佳答案:1. We are planning to go vacationing in Dalian.2. I‘m not good at playing basket
最佳答案:客乡就是它乡,家乡以外别的地方 客乡意思可参考 元 尹廷高 《庚子营又青旧业》诗之一:“儿童生长他山久,却把家乡作客乡”韵指一种声音,这里应该是方言的意思客乡韵
最佳答案:Summer is my favourite season,for it is red ,beautiful and passion everywhere.In