最佳答案:My vocabulary is not so much 采纳
最佳答案:You recently in busy what,I think?.You made so many letters to you have to mail
最佳答案:Bastard,you forgot to do their own ideal,do not you forget that he is a mission,
最佳答案:1 By the time the doctor arrived,the patient has already died.2 The books i have
最佳答案:这儿没有人像他一样有那么多朋友Nobody here_has as many friends as _he.乘飞机旅行可能会更危险一点,但会快得多maybe t
最佳答案:There is homework but not as much as before.I've got some homework to do,but not
最佳答案:你要记住你行你可以你冇问题咪制总觉得你可能你大概你也许边有鬼咁多嘅两开 人生冇彩排每日都系直播阳光源自你内心嘅澄澈 咪制后悔做到每一个决定 事关嗰个决定曾曾你一