最佳答案:I can't give you a whole world but I can give you my whole world.
最佳答案:可以延伸成环保的作文。通过写未来自己幻想的美好世界和现在世界的脏乱差做比较,最后在点题点名中心人们要保护环境。比如结尾可以这样写 我梦中的世界啊,我梦中的碧水蓝
最佳答案:I can see the worldI could konw the world.I can understand the world.I could lea
最佳答案:you are one part of my life.
最佳答案:My world is still wonderful
最佳答案:I can't give you the whole world,but I can give you my all.
最佳答案:I'm the Queen of my world.
最佳答案:I'm the Queen of my world.