最佳答案:Life is like a major sea through,生命有如度过一重大海,we meet with a narrow boat Lane.我们相遇
最佳答案:The furthest distance in the world ,his verse touch the softest part of our soul
最佳答案:我向你推荐三首,分别是泰戈尔、普希金、雪莱写的.1.Ode to the West Wind(《西风颂》)雪莱最著名的抒情诗.1.Ode to the West
最佳答案:Love will be lost that the phrase,is the truth we can not be deemed to receive a
最佳答案:印度著名诗人Rabindranath Tagore 为Taj Mahal 写过的诗:This you used to know,lord of India,Sh