最佳答案:The Story of the Stone是红楼梦的翻译,英文的直译也就是石头记,这正是红楼梦的原名.巴金的家,英语翻译的确的family.
最佳答案:unscientificun-preciseillogicalseemingly right but actually wrongincausal
最佳答案:The speaker in this TED video is George Dyson.He mainly showed us the origin and
最佳答案:这个ted视频的演讲人名字叫George Dyson ,他主要向我们展示了计算机的起源与发展.The lecturer in this TED vision i
最佳答案:1Clarity of organizational goals concreteness.Specific formal organizational goa
最佳答案:Generally speaking,loyalty is a universally aknowledged standard for the justifi