最佳答案:抱歉,我半个小时前点的餐怎么现在还没到?Excuse me,why is the meal not available yet while I ordered
最佳答案:您好您现点餐么?您好您的餐费一共111元Do you like you to order the meal 么 now?You good your meal f
最佳答案:这跟吃中餐的时候,服务员给你点餐会问你主食要什么,要米饭或饼,或面食一样.吃西餐的时候,服务员问是不是要来点炸薯条来配着主食吃.for side 就是指配的什么
最佳答案:1 is there any size for me?2 I'd like (a piece of)···请送一份烤面包、煎蛋和一杯牛奶.Please brin
最佳答案:梦想成真 sogno realizzato一切为了梦想,为了大家 tutto per sogno,per tutti对不起 scusa是的 si不是的 no好不
最佳答案:1, 10 restaurant meals as registration, if you still want to eat food as soon as