最佳答案:He is sleeping.Don‘t wake him up.绝对标准,
最佳答案:When does he usually sleep?
最佳答案:He used to drink milk before going to bed
最佳答案:A boy was sleeping when his mother got up him 或者he was on the point of sleeping
最佳答案:He often sleep with the windows open even in winte
最佳答案:这句用的句型“not .until"意思是"直到.才 ”是引用上去就OK了
最佳答案:He doesn't often go to bed until the TV program is over.not .until.直到.才
最佳答案:如何用英语翻译 昨天看电视比赛,看完比赛睡觉时已经很晚.他告(诉?)I didn't go to bed until very late last night
最佳答案:Tom likes reading very much.He reads on the way to his school and when he is eat
最佳答案:你的五句话:1.Not until his mom came back did he go to bed.强调句是 It's not until his mom