最佳答案:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?
最佳答案:拍电影 有个专有动词 那就是film你喜欢拍电影吗(enjoy)Do you enjoy filming?这个报告听起来很有意思.(sound)This rep
最佳答案:the movie is worth to watch,I have watched it twice
最佳答案:The boys good-hearted,courageous,sunshine,good lookingThe boys like to listen to
最佳答案:电影《一个都不能少》就翻译为:Not One Less如果说这句话怎么翻,这样翻好些:(There is) not even one less.要译出"都".
最佳答案:This week, screens.I and my mother has appreciated this movie together.This movi
最佳答案:My favorite movie is a Polish one called XXX,which told that a high school stude
最佳答案:Smokin' 和 smoking 是一样的,但是那个词应该是形容他变身时候的感觉吧...或者是他自己的口头语...也可能是形容他很"辣/hot" 把周围的东西
最佳答案:These series of movies narrate adventures of a boy called Harry Potter together