最佳答案:Jealousy is caused by the laziness and ignorance可以在百度翻译中找到
最佳答案:His destiny is resulted from his jealousy and failing to facing up to himself.
最佳答案:是这个 प्यार की ईर्ष्या का अभाव,बस जला चाहते बेस्
最佳答案:Anyone can become vicious, as long as you tried what is called jealousy. A 13-ye
最佳答案:13:4 爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 ,又 有 恩 慈 .爱 是 不 嫉 妒 .爱 是 不 自 夸 .不 张 狂 .13:5 不 作 害 羞 的 事 .不 求 自
最佳答案:1, Does the letter reflect your feeling?2, It is difficult to predict the long-t
最佳答案:不对,成功者越成功,嫉妒的人越大声。而且成功的人不会去管那些嫉妒的人,不论他们多大声,成功的人都可以不为所动,这才是成功。翻译:A successful one
最佳答案:Do you know Mr.Pan also likes you very much?I am jealous of his taking care of y
最佳答案:Zeus' wife was so jealous of echo,who was a beautiful goddess长句是很好的表达方式但是前提是不能让别
最佳答案:I am jealous of your hands and face, which are eye-pleasing than those of most g