最佳答案:治楼船……”以操习水军,打通从滇池通往印度的路径. (15)唐标铁柱:《昆明大观楼长联 五百里滇池,奔来眼底.披襟岸帻,喜茫茫空阔无边!看
最佳答案:翻译:Once,I prayed in front of God for five hundred years,pray that we can build a
最佳答案:The pine,stone,with clouds for milk,72 peaks,everywhere DianRan ching sights,suc
最佳答案:涓人言于君曰 于:对涓人对曰 对:回答死马且直五百金,况生马乎 且:尚且,还天下必以王为能市马 市:买反以报君 反(是通假字):通“返”
最佳答案:The buddha says:500 times of the glance back in one‘s prelife,only gives one the
最佳答案:There are 3 small boxes in the big box.One contains 1 reel.Another contains 1ree
最佳答案:Buddha had said,looking back for 500 times in one's past life,would have exchang
最佳答案:Buddha said that,500 time turning the head,only then trades in the crowd one tim