最佳答案:The teacher got mad at me just now.
最佳答案:What I spoke just now was Japanese English.It was Japanese English that I spoke
最佳答案:I am sorry that I knocked your cup over just now.
最佳答案:Where is my headphones just now? It's next to the TV set.祝楼主学习进步!天天向上!记得按【采纳满意回答
最佳答案:The boys were in the play ground just now,and they are now playing basketball.
最佳答案:How can I say the previous sentence in idiomatic English?
最佳答案:翻译:A man named Tom asked me for your phone number just now.————若有任何疑问可以【直接回复】或是【
最佳答案:I think this fifty one is yours.
最佳答案:第四行的were not friendly with me ,把with改成to