最佳答案:The Old CatAn old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quick
最佳答案:To see a world in a grain of sand,一粒沙里阅世界And a heaven in a wild flower,一朵花中觅天堂Ho
最佳答案:相信自己 相信明天朋友,当你胜利时,你充满着喜悦与激情.朋友,当你失败时,你面带着沮丧与苦恼.无论成与败,都已是昨天.那么昨天我们可以叫做历史,那么历史也就见证
最佳答案:I am a rabbit,I like carrot. When I see big wolf, I run to my house.我是一只兔子,我喜欢胡萝
最佳答案:一篇英语寓言,下面是全文的中英对照,可以看看:Belling the cat(系铃于猫)Long ago,there was a big cat in the
最佳答案:钉子的故事The NailJacob and Wilhelm GrimmA merchant had done well at the fair.He had
最佳答案:可以看下新概念英语一哦http://www.***.com/playlist_show/id_4257613.html 可以到这个网址看看Lesson34 Qu
最佳答案:It was a sunny day,as I was still busy doing my homework,the telephone rang.It w
最佳答案:这是中英文对照,mp3要的话留邮箱啊!已经下好了,美式发音的.The father,the son and the donkeyThe father and h