最佳答案:Chances are that I'm not the Prince Charming you've been dreaming about,nonethel
最佳答案:楼上说的都有问题呀.我看那场了,在北大对吧?原文大概是这样:美丽的姑娘呀 MUCHACHA LINDA(拉美形容女孩漂亮不用HERMOSA,GUAPA而用LIN
最佳答案:Innermost feelings love that is real,instantaneous has not dissipated love,only
最佳答案:东北女作家迟子建始终以一种均匀的创作节奏深情的书写着她的“北极村”故事,描绘着故土的自然景观和风土民情.The northeast ChiZiJian alwa
最佳答案:1.When the time we understanding and loving each other passes by,our love become
最佳答案:Everyone i have ever owned during my whole life.