最佳答案:根据上下文,可以使用Local这个词:helped by the localswith help of(from) the localsnative更加强调“本
最佳答案:孔子曰:“益者三友,损者三友.友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣.友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损 矣.”【译文】 孔子说:“有益的朋友有三种,有害的朋友有三种.结交正直的朋友
最佳答案:I'm afraid the debaters on the other side are contorting our meaning.I think you
最佳答案:In fact ,I really like to be with those kids,It's a job I am fond of.Well,I also
最佳答案:Smiles is crying is most difficult,therefore I do not cry
最佳答案:This story tells us that we’ll always get nothing if we only consider ourselves,
最佳答案:Today I will play the “Qing Qing Qu Shui Shang Yao Shan” which is composed by Di