最佳答案:The origin of my nameMy name is Zhong MengchengAccording to Chinese tradition, f
最佳答案:The small living room in my home is clean and beautiful. there is a positive lan
最佳答案:My name is Lucy.My favorite food is noodles.I also like eating vegetbles.It can
最佳答案:Dear SamYou said you want to come to Beijing in the last letter,so I will tell y
最佳答案:Hello everyone,my name is li Zhuoying and my Englisn name is Clare.I feel very g
最佳答案:【解释】谓帮人说好话.【示例】清·蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·公孙九娘》:“生乃坐,请所命.曰:‘令女甥寡居无耦,仆欲得主中馈.屡通媒妁,辄以无尊长之命为辞.幸无惜齿牙
最佳答案:In this weekend, I have a plan, if tom orrow is a sunny day。 Saturday morning, I