最佳答案:Recruitment 这是名词的招聘recruit 这是动词的招聘
最佳答案:The recruitment of Teachers
最佳答案:基本翻译Release recruitment information
最佳答案:hold a job fair (或:career fair 或:recruitment fair)
最佳答案:不知道你你要翻译这句“我们在招聘主持人”还是想要“招聘主持人”我们在招聘主持人we are looking for Moderator。招聘主持人Moderat
最佳答案:Musicians are needed/wanted at the musi festival.
最佳答案:Excuse me,do you need a new waiter here?Excuse me,is a new waiter wanted here?I'
最佳答案:Music Festival is looking for musicians.
最佳答案:the company is recruiting two operation managers.
最佳答案:School recruits music talents to celebrate the Music Festival.望及时采纳,谢谢.