最佳答案:She doesn't have enough money to buy new clothes.
最佳答案:这个衣服太贵,他没有足够的钱去买!He doesn't have enough money to buy this coat.He can't afford t
最佳答案:模特身上穿的是M码(中码)圆领T恤丝网印花 螺纹领口 百分之百(纯)棉我们的模特格兰特是6英尺高 32英寸腰围 内袖长32英寸牌子为彪马puma
最佳答案:Is the clothing color the same as the picture? Is there any chromatic aberration
最佳答案:Among the clothes we sell,some helmets are made of foam,some are made of sponge.
最佳答案:1 is there any size for me?2 I'd like (a piece of)···请送一份烤面包、煎蛋和一杯牛奶.Please brin
最佳答案:纯正手翻Hello,have a look!Do we have something suitable for you?This one seems all r
最佳答案:3,When the smoke hit, with wet towels or clothes to cover your mouth and nose to