最佳答案:I have good communication,teamwork and Interpersonal Communication skills.不是机译啊!
最佳答案:Ce dont mon malade a besoin pour moi ,c'est du diagnostic correct ,du traitement
最佳答案:I work steadfast,seriously and have good team spirit,my personality is composed,
最佳答案:有良好的服务意识和敏锐的分析判断能力;善于沟通协调,乐观向上,待人热情have good service attitude and acute analyzin
最佳答案:*** (名字)takes work with a sense of responsibility and care.Hardworking.Honest,po
最佳答案:Studio to take online interactive O2O mode, pay attention to communicate with cu
最佳答案:我做事认真负责,遇事沉着冷静.I works is responsible earnestly,finds composure.有良好的沟通协调能力,能在团队中
最佳答案:这一段自我介绍如果逐字逐句地用英文来表述必然显得拖沓,不忍卒读,很可能不会给人留下好印象.要翻译得好不容易.试译如下,感觉很吃力哟:I am cheerful,
最佳答案:Optimistic thinking, positive attitude, great teamwork and communication skills,
最佳答案:Performance Performance Management communication is the soul and core, performan