最佳答案:感觉[gǎn jué] perception sense feeling to feel to become aware of impressure perce
最佳答案:What's your attitude towards pollution
最佳答案:How do you think of me
最佳答案:请看Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself.今天的事情做好了,明天的问题会自行解决所以
最佳答案:What's your feeling when you lie on the beach where there're much soft sand.
最佳答案:i wonder whether it's a waste of time or not ,since nothing has suprised me rece
最佳答案:It's tired to be lonely.
最佳答案:Maybe I am not the best ,but I will be the most responsible one.
最佳答案:地道的英语可以这样表达:I have no feelings for it.举个例子:比如男女朋友分手,女朋友对男朋友说:I have no feelings