最佳答案:手工翻译,保证准确!1. To keep up with other students, he studies/works hard.2. This/The s
最佳答案:do you want to visit the Salt Lake Park?
最佳答案:失败者为成功者让路 翻译为:Losers make way for Winners例句:世界总是为梦想者让路.The world always makes wa
最佳答案:The old man would like to live the next door of the hotel
最佳答案:is there any fruit in this list?
最佳答案:What a fine day! My friends and I went hiking.*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.Englis
最佳答案:Eating an apple everyday is helpful for your health.
最佳答案:I was exhausted and fell into sleep.It was 2 in the morning when I woke up.