最佳答案:1.工业管理2.真丢脸喜欢那个为你们三个被用处理3.While the thief sneaks away when there is nobody payin
最佳答案:MIZIAN CO. had no specific concepts about the work volumes for the whole fire-fi
最佳答案:我妈从没有这么高兴.用比较级表示最高级含义.类似的还有:The story is perfect;I've never heard a better one b
最佳答案:1 "to" dot "is the most concise form, is modelling of the primary factor, is all
最佳答案:Expository essay is a description as the main way of expression used to describe
最佳答案:第一,第二句对,第三句也没错,就是有点别扭.第四句就错了.这里用for 就变成它引导一个状语从句了.