最佳答案:long time no see 好久没见
最佳答案:有break a record ;打破。。。的记录set a record of;是指创立。。。的记录
最佳答案:要一字不差的翻译,而且又要西方地道的原味口语,那是不可能的.通常这样子的情况人们会说,perfect for each other.电影中经常可以听到的:you
最佳答案:good pointhe has a lot of good points.
最佳答案:are you there?
最佳答案:4点整 Four O'clock4点15分 Four Fifteen/ Fifteen past Four(四点超过15分)/ Forty five to Fi
最佳答案:呵呵 那样是不对的!正确的有以下几种表达方法1.A is C times as adj./adv. + as B.2.A is C times adj./adv
最佳答案:When the earthquake occur,we should save the people first and then keep away fro
最佳答案:Thought our company is not so large,but we promiss we have the best quality.自己翻译