最佳答案:I will use all my life-time to love you
最佳答案:ight time right person means happinesswight time wrong person means sadnesswrong
最佳答案:I love you only and I will be loving you in my whole lifetime.
最佳答案:1.i have been waiting all my life for this moment.为了这一刻 我等待了一生的时间I HAVE BEEN WAI
最佳答案:The extremely ordinary but again deep relationship remained in their and my hear
最佳答案:1,他是我的邻居,而且还是我的好朋友.(并列句)He is my neighbour,my good friend.2,在农村度过的岁月是他一生最难忘的时间.(
最佳答案:让我用心送上一份生日祝福,网络那段你是否感受到了友情的关怀和牵挂?世上多一个朋友,时间多一份温暖.祝福,祝你一生快乐多多!good wish to your b
最佳答案:I can not sleep and would like to stay with you onlyI spend my whole life on thi
最佳答案:1 I will go skating instead of swimming tomorrow.2 She is a great actress becaus