最佳答案:substance over form
最佳答案:首先 、分析例题 、不是三段论 .而是条件论证、条件论证的无效形式有两种 、否定前件和肯定后件 此题因属于第一种 即否定前件:A属于B非A所以非B明显可以看出:
最佳答案:童稚之爱的原则是:“因为我爱,所以我爱.” The love of childish principle is:"because I love,so I lov
最佳答案:My faith principle I'll continue to pursue an ideal and will not be changed.
最佳答案:Product naming principleU N (Z) G - A B C D - E H I"U" that the company code;"N"
最佳答案:“Skopos theory”,simplified as “the end justifies the means” (Nord,2001,p.124),wa
最佳答案:Grice's cooperative principles proposed a general principles relating to human c
最佳答案:What's the basic target of education?I deem that there're two principles.
最佳答案:1. under the principle of protecting laborers' legitimate rights and interests2.
最佳答案:Trademark translation from the main principle is "off from the main change,do as