最佳答案:I hope to stay with you forever,to enjoy the feeling of you caring me,to be your
最佳答案:“在记忆的花园里,我辛勤的呵护着曾种下的美好,没有太远的过去,也没有很近的将来.”In the garden of memory,I industriously
最佳答案:There are two people who love you most,they ask for nothing in return and take g
最佳答案:让我来Everyone has two guardian angels, they not return caress you, always afraid t
最佳答案:Em cima de árvore,está um casal de pássaros,cuidando dos seus ovos.Vê,ovos já es
最佳答案:dear Mr/Ms./Miss/ YangI am daisy, Is a new semester, and teacher's day is approa