最佳答案:After one hour'efforts,the visits who were trapped in the lift were rescueed.应该对
最佳答案:a goodlooking long new black English plastic pen.限定词 -- 冠词及其他限定词.参考限定词.评断 -- 限定词
最佳答案:1.not urgent2.personally speaking3.responsibility4.rational5.emotional6.engineer
最佳答案:A mordernized city updating day by day
最佳答案:漂亮beauty 漂亮的beautiful 美丽grace 美丽的graceful
最佳答案:high consumption;high level of consumption
最佳答案:money of illegal origin 较妥当.例句:Money laundering is widely defined as inserting m
最佳答案:virtuous或者kind-hearted或直接kindshe is a virtuous/kind/kind-hearted girl.
最佳答案:lively chemical就是形容词interview也是名词 protection communicationdamage suckinsects coo