最佳答案:In the Arctic winter,it seems to forget to snow.There is no white snow in my mem
最佳答案:the earth itself is a huge magnet,its both poles 【n & s】is located on both ends,
最佳答案:1 Carnivores is a polar bear2 Polar bear is not only good at swimming in cold wa
最佳答案:全球温度升高后,如果洋流在到达巴伦支海前就已减弱,那么北极地区的变暖也可能出现相反的情况.Global warming, if the currents in
最佳答案:1.Area of the Arctic ice to an average of 2.7 percent per decade to reduce the s
最佳答案:Polar bears and human vision and hearing quite,but they are extremely sensitive
最佳答案:东北女作家迟子建始终以一种均匀的创作节奏深情的书写着她的“北极村”故事,描绘着故土的自然景观和风土民情.The northeast ChiZiJian alwa
最佳答案:A projection of the present global warming rate reveals that the ice fields in t
最佳答案:There penguinsA person living in the ArcticIt's similar in the other sideSo it f
最佳答案:I think dressing warmly is more important than dressing fashionably in winter.I