最佳答案:Please help me find my dog.
最佳答案:寻找 look into,obtain,find,...这个问题的解决方法正在寻找中.The solution to the problem is being
最佳答案:the article "you're" looking forthe article being searched
最佳答案:waste food
最佳答案:寻找:look forI will work hard to look for my happiness,Come on!
最佳答案:你在哪里?我一直在寻找你的足迹.Where are you?I have been looking for you all the while/ time.
最佳答案:Find one's splendid spot
最佳答案:孔夫子试图寻找好的行为标准Confucius tried to find out good rules of behavior他父亲在他3岁时就死了His fa
最佳答案:Dark nights give me dark eyesWith which I pursue brightness
最佳答案:He has been trying to find an ideal job。。。望采纳!