最佳答案:draw a snake with feet added to it
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最佳答案:原诗:《清明》(唐)杜牧清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂.借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村.吴钧陶英译(韵式aaba)It drizzles thick and f
最佳答案:毕竟英语和汉语是两种截然不同的语言,不应该根据单词一一对应的翻译句子 个人理解,英语中习惯去用很长的状语和定语,而且在句式上会有变换,像同一个句子,变成疑问句,
最佳答案:Shut the sadness in yesterday, refresh today to make a new start.
最佳答案:No matter what the ending/result is,thank you for once treating me as your famil
最佳答案:have you had dinnerdid you eat yethave you eaten your dinne
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最佳答案:"XXX Control Equipment Co.,Ltd."Co后面的点和逗号,还有Ltd后面的点,都不能省略.