最佳答案:We are very impulsive because we are young.we will be punished because of impuls
最佳答案:Your heart is blamed,but is your soul punished?
最佳答案:Man destroys, nature punishes.晕。。。这很地道啊,不要因为简单易懂而认为不好嘛。
最佳答案:that day,anyone who doesn't wear new clothes will be punished
最佳答案:1. We should get along with the nature harmoniously.2. It is a responsibility of
最佳答案:To some extent,this is due to the lack of clarity and improvement in the relevan
最佳答案:1.If you ask for directions politely,it's impossible for you that you can't get
最佳答案:1.Effective measures must be taken right away.2.You must have dreamt of somethin
最佳答案:The Coca Cola Co will make awards to the outstanding staff,a raise or recognitio
最佳答案:i always speak to someone with my true conscience,so i cherish you a lot!i used