最佳答案:through New York Broadcast Station
最佳答案:adio station
最佳答案:洗沐浴:take a shower 广播电台:radio station
最佳答案:Join walks at a radio station.
最佳答案:Shanghai People's Radio Station
最佳答案:87.9 easy fm(全天侯)93.4 live it up shanghai(mon.-sat.22:00)
最佳答案:参照北京人民广播电台的 Radio Beijing Corporation写为 Shenyang Radio 即可或者完全按字翻译为:Shenyang Peop
最佳答案:My father works in the radio.
最佳答案:A friend of my sister's is working at a radiao station.不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】
最佳答案:There are five people working at the radio station in the evening