最佳答案:4补充说明主语或宾语的身份或特征,例:Mon asked me to study English.此时改为被动句时原来的宾语me变为主语补语I was aske
最佳答案:Classes seriously and listen and raise their hands to speak, the use of English
最佳答案:1、可以理解为竟然的意思,就像 乃至.翻译为“你怎么(竟然)这样没见识”.区区是愚笨愚拙的意思.2、原文是:“相如至,谓秦王曰:“秦自缪公以来二十余君,未尝有坚
最佳答案:strong points:be easy to get along with,work hard and earnestlyweak points:a bit
最佳答案:As we are in the information age now ,it is becoming more and more remarkable th
最佳答案:I have a question.please answer.did you hear?I know you in this respect.I think
最佳答案:Hello, everybody! Today my deskmate and I bring you an article.This article may