最佳答案:Thank you for the trust and support!!I will give you discount!Minimum 4% for the
最佳答案:Thank you very much for pointing out the issue.It should be taken responsibility
最佳答案:非常感谢你的来信.Thank you very much for your letter.我也意识到这个问题,目前正在考虑怎么实现这个功能,希望能在下个版本中完
最佳答案:It's our honour that you take part in our program.Let us thank their arrival onc
最佳答案:Dear Jack:这真是一个非常好的消息,我们再次得到DOP的订单,非常感谢NTC一直以来的帮忙.我们确认订单:0090是被接受的,我们确定交期是可以达成的,
最佳答案:I have transfered my job to my colleague Mr.Wang,so please feel free to contact