最佳答案:仁者见它说是仁,智者见它说是智.比喻对同一个问题,不同的人从不同的立场或角度有不同的看法.出 处:《周易·系辞上》:“仁者见之谓之仁,智者见之谓之智.”仁者见仁
最佳答案:Dear Sir,Wish you well.I am afraid I will have to ask for several days' annual l
最佳答案:soak these clothes for me...
最佳答案:请把这些画贴在墙上Please stick these paintings on the wall
最佳答案:These flowers are mine.
最佳答案:magandang umaga是"早上好"的意思,你估计是打错了,mahal kita是"我爱你"的意思,
最佳答案:These sayings make me motivated.
最佳答案:What are the functions of those components?
最佳答案:These stories are very interesting.
最佳答案:I undertake this on behalf of you.