最佳答案:I'm honored to win the first price in the English Contest held by school the oth
最佳答案:If we still refuse to start protecting the environment,then the ultimate end of
最佳答案:many think that computer will soon take the place of mankind,which i think is un
最佳答案:I don't need to introduce myself too much,because not long after,I will let you
最佳答案:I think I will be in the near future to change the world,that belief will never
最佳答案:There is no sense in developing economics while neglecting the protection of env
最佳答案:1.millions of people lost their homes in the disaster-affected area2.i want to u
最佳答案:全文翻译如下:Hello! Good morning to you today, I Duty! You like the World Formula One
最佳答案:Not only smoking harmful smoker's health,to they side person is so,The people so