最佳答案:These photoes record my memories.
最佳答案:This record book is my father and mother,from strangers become friends,they bega
最佳答案:I loved a woman in my life, I want to record your name to me! The white woman很高兴
最佳答案:My growth ,my happiness and sadness of young was rocorded in the four photos.The
最佳答案:Memorize the days connected with youththe laughter remind me of the flowerssilen
最佳答案:听音乐能让我心里平静,思绪沉淀下来,这使我感到轻松.Listening music can make me inner peaceful and calm my
最佳答案:1.Record every little bit in life.2.The urge to lose weight has occupied my mind
最佳答案:Hello!About the two packages of goods from the receipt of October 8th and Octobe
最佳答案:I have revised partial contents based on my minutes.Attached are effect drawings
最佳答案:he used to ask me to write down every details about us.and i always dream that w