最佳答案:1 when will you go/COME?2 When did you get here?3 When can I buy a car?
最佳答案:正如你知道,这批货物已经搁置了很长的时间,你能接受这个轻微色差在蓝色吗?请确认,你能帮忙修改这以下三款Word文档为PDF格式吗?Just as you kno
最佳答案:他的计划听上去了不起,可是执行起来却一定会困难重重(His plan hear up fantastic,but carry out would certain
最佳答案:My English is very poor, but today to listen to your class, I have confidence in
最佳答案:I am suffering every day,but I never regret my choice.Even if another clean slat
最佳答案:Life, love, the world is too rare, to find time to think I'm that much of life's