最佳答案:Be like a foolish采纳下哦
最佳答案:I am suffering a nervous breakdown.
最佳答案:Oh,my god!我和你一起发神经!发神经在英语里是没有这个词组的,要不你修改一下,就说“噢,我的天啊,我的神经有些问题”—Oh,my god!I had s
最佳答案:Nerve patient in the asylum for lunatic has two patients to want to run away the
最佳答案:心内科 Heart Medicine,肾内科 Nephrology,心胸外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery,门诊大厅 Out-patient h
最佳答案:1 NSEStaining for counting number of nerve cells2 With the progression of pulmon
最佳答案:A freak patient was writing a letter when a nurse approached him and asked him w