最佳答案:好多都是错的……没有基础不要误人子弟好不好...正确的是:Can you take away your flowers?(问句)或者Could you plea
最佳答案:1、我在空中写下你的名字,让风给带走了;我在沙滩写下你的名字,让浪花给带走了;我只能在心中刻下你的名字.In the air I write down your
最佳答案:it has taken countless sadness and gloom away when the dream has been away from
最佳答案:Time go fastly,take my splendid youth away,leave the memory and missing behind.H
最佳答案:1. I think the job is so suit for me.2. The job let me so tired./ I hate this jo
最佳答案:당신도 눈의 여왕이 데려갔습니까?거얼다는 가의를 찾기 위해 눈의 여왕의 거주처에 왔다.라푸란더 그리고 나..나...세상에서 가장 이쁘고 가장 고
最佳答案:Electric fans can cause the air to flow faster,a human body will sweat when it's
最佳答案:1. I ran into a pole on my way home last night.2. Bring me all I need and take a