最佳答案:致橡树To the Oak舒婷by Shu Ting我如果爱你--绝不像攀援的凌霄花,借你的高枝炫耀自己;If I fall in love with you
最佳答案:【Hello,everyone.Today I'am going to deliver two poems,which are rather inspirati
最佳答案:一寸一寸的粉笔 染白你的头发 腾然而起点燃成烛 照亮别人 让一个一个象形文字 成为你走过的脚印 攀上崖顶 让后来者踏上您的双肩 送一批批学子上路 闪闪的星星 放
最佳答案:A Teacher for All SeasonsA teacher is like Spring,Who nurtures new green sprouts
最佳答案:The poetry expressed the leading character to captain's profound condolence,seri
最佳答案:In the process of restructuring Ireland poetry,Heaney underwent exploration in t
最佳答案:I never once felt judged by her她从不对我枉加评论How much that meant to me这于我有着重要的意义That
最佳答案:Ralph Waldo Emerson,speaking mainly through the papers and express their ideas,a
最佳答案:But all translating,whether of poetry or prose,must be concerned also with the r